May 28,21


2021 GOV Design Award国际设计奖


近日,2021 GOV Design Award国际设计奖公布获奖名单,GND杰地景观作品佛山梅沙双语学校Foshan Meisha Bilingual School荣获GOV Design Award国际设计奖景观设计类别 Landscape Design银奖!这份殊荣也同属于业主单位及相关合作单位!


关于奖项 About awards


GOV Design Award国际设计奖是由DRIVEN x DESIGN主办的全球性大奖,主办方拥有十个年度奖项,其中涵盖墨尔本设计奖、伦敦设计奖、纽约设计奖、悉尼设计奖等。技术和创新正在创造无限的可能性,实现这些可能性的关键是出色的设计。GOV国际设计奖,接受来自全球项目的国际提名,涵盖10个主要类别,旨在表彰政府、公共部门和设计创作者的创造力和勇气。DRIVEN×DESIGN拥有超过75000名会员,7500个品牌及2500个设计工作室组成的全球社群,会员涵盖全球设计师、思想家、战略家及设计爱好者等。


Foshan Meisha Bilingual School

Landscape Design

Silver in the GOV Design Awards 2021

业主单位 | 佛山万科

设计机构 | GND杰地景观




Create a diverse communication platform by link of space

GND Jiedi Landscape starts from “bounded” to “unbounded” design concept in the landscape creation of Foshan Meisha Bilingual School. In terms of external design, the square in the campus opens to the city, promoting the integration between them; while in terms of internal design, the form of combining “gallery, courtyard, lane and platform” in Chinese traditional architecture is adopted for creating a borderless space integrating architecture, landscape and interior as a whole. Through making full use of space, a multi-dimensional space for learning, living and interaction is hence created. 
