Jun 04,21


近日,UDAD Awards 2020城市设计与景观建筑国际大奖揭晓, GND杰地凭藉卓越的设计理念再添四项新荣誉。


UDAD城市设计与景观建筑国际大奖Urban Design & Architecture Design Awards,由专业评委在每个奖项类别中提名三名决赛选手,获奖者由荣誉评审团成员选出。经过层层筛选,佛山梅沙双语学校Foshan Meisha Bilingual School从全球诸多重量级项目中脱颖而出,荣膺UDAD Awards 2020公共景观设计类别Winner一等奖。

与此同时,佳兆业浣溪璞园Kaisa Stream Jade Garden、联发雍榕华府Lianfa Emperor Palace荣获景观设计类别Runners-Up二等奖,万科·金域国际Vanke · Kinsway International荣获公共景观设计类别Runners-Up二等奖。

关于奖项 About UDAD Awards

UDAD城市设计与景观建筑国际大奖Urban Design & Architecture Design Awards,含金量极高。该奖项由世界最大的在线建筑类出版社之一、拥有超过5亿全球用户的Architecture Press Release(简称“APR”)主办,表彰实践新技术、空间美学与材料探索,以及通过对全球化、适应性与数字革命的研究来重新定义城市与景观设计的杰出想法,探讨自然与建筑与社区,以及建筑师与城市之间的关系。在国际建筑界拥有很高的知名度和影响力。

作为世界最负盛名的竞赛奖项之一, UDAD大奖吸引了Foster+Partners, AECOM & Cordogan Clark & Associates, Arep International, II BY IV DESIGN, OOAK Architects, CLB Architects, SOMA ARCHITECTS, Studio Joseph, KI Studio等世界知名设计公司参与角逐。据悉,2020年度UDAD大奖的评审团,由包括HKS亚太区总经理Angela Lee、国际知名事务所创始人、国际建筑大师、专家组成。这些如雷贯耳的名字背后,是最严苛的专业眼光。

△UDAD Awards 2020 专业评审团

获奖作品 Winner


Foshan Meisha Bilingual School

Public Landscape Design Built


Urban Design & Architecture Design Awards 2020

业主单位 | 佛山万科

设计机构 | GND杰地景观





Create a diverse communication platform by link of space

GND Jiedi Landscape starts from “bounded” to “unbounded” design concept in the landscape creation of Foshan Meisha Bilingual School. In terms of external design, the square in the campus opens to the city, promoting the integration between them; while in terms of internal design, the form of combining “gallery, courtyard, lane and platform” in Chinese traditional architecture is adopted for creating a borderless space integrating architecture, landscape and interior as a whole. Through making full use of space, a multi-dimensional space for learning, living and interaction is hence created.


获奖作品 Winner


Kaisa Stream Jade Garden

Landscape Design Built

Runner- Up

Urban Design & Architecture Design Awards 2020

业主单位 | 佳兆业集团

设计机构 | GND杰地景观



This project, by using unique visual language of region, nature, culture, etc. and using architectural gray space to connect indoor and outdoor artistically, forms a three-dimensional dynamic landscape flow and creates a brand-new, coherent exhibition experience center with abundant spatial layers.


获奖作品 Winner


Lianfa Emperor Palace

Landscape Design Built

Runner- Up

Urban Design & Architecture Design Awards 2020

业主单位 |联发集团江西区域

设计机构 | GND杰地景观


GND杰地担纲本案景观设计,设计之初我们通过城市、历史调研和与现场居住老者的对话,追寻到了这片场地的记忆和历史变迁。场地内保留的六棵百年古榕树,像耄耋的老者,见证 着场地的沧海桑田。基于此我们的景观设计围绕老树展开,形成以古树为中心的布局形式。并将周边自然景观资源引入园区,旨在打造鲜氧萦绕,美景簇拥宜居惬意的生活空间。

GND is responsible for landscape design of this project. At the beginning, we have searched the memories and historical changes of this land, through investigation and survey on the city and history and discussion with the local community. There are six ancient trees which have witnessed the changes of the land, just like old people in their 80s and 90s. Based on these findings, we develop the landscape design around the ancient trees, to form a layout centering on the ancient trees. Besides, we have introduced the surrounding natural landscape resources into the residence, aiming at creating a livable life space full of fresh air and beautiful scenery. 


获奖作品 Winner


Vanke · Kinsway International

Public Landscape Design Built

Runner- Up

Urban Design & Architecture Design Awards 2020

业主单位 | 江门万科

设计机构 | GND杰地景观



Vanke Group and GND Landscape have worked together to break the physical boundary between landscape, architecture and urban space in design of Jiangmen Vanke Kinsway International Exhibition Area. The design takes advantages of the natural and cultural landscape resources, and responds to these boundaries, so as to display and convey the vitality of the city, forming an active neighborhood atmosphere and bringing the ideal city to a new level.
