Jun 22,21


近日,法国权威设计大奖DNA Paris Design Awards 2021公布获奖名单,GND杰地景观设计作品万科·金域国际Vanke . Kinsway International、佛山梅沙双语学校Foshan Meisha Bilingual School,凭借对地域文化的挖掘、自然景观再设计及功能空间创新表现,从全球数千作品中脱颖而出,齐获景观类别/公园和公共场所、教育、社区和娱乐设施-荣耀奖Landscape Design/Parks & Public spaces, Educational, Community & Recreation facilities-Honorable Mention。

关于奖项 About DNA Awards

DNA Paris Design Awards 立足于艺术之都—法国巴黎,由国际设计奖(IDA)、美国建筑奖(AMP)、欧洲产品设计奖(EPDA)的组织者Farmani集团创办,是一项具备全球性和多元文化包容性的国际赛事,旨在建筑、室内、景观、产品和平面设计领域,发现来自世界各地的新鲜创意设计。


获奖作品 Winner



Vanke · Kinsway International

Landscape Design/Parks & Public spaces, Educational, Community & Recreation facilities

Honorable Mention

DNA Paris Design Awards 2021

业主单位 | 佛山万科

设计机构 | GND杰地景观




Vanke Group and GND Jiedi Landscape have worked together to break the physical boundary between landscape, architecture and urban space in design of Jiangmen Vanke Kinsway International Exhibition Area.The design takes advantages of the natural and cultural landscape resources,and responds to these boundaries, so as to display and convey the vitality of the city, forming an active neighborhood atmosphere and bringing the ideal city to a new level.


获奖作品 Winner



Foshan Meisha Bilingual School

Landscape Design/Parks & Public spaces, Educational, Community & Recreation facilities

Honorable Mention

DNA Paris Design Awards 2021

业主单位 | 佛山万科

设计机构 | GND杰地景观




Create a diverse communication platform by link of space GND Jiedi Landscape starts from “bounded” to “unbounded” design concept in the landscape creation of Foshan Meisha Bilingual School. In terms of external design, the square in the campus opens to the city, promoting the integration between them; while in terms of internal design, the form of combining “gallery, courtyard, lane and platform” in Chinese traditional architecture is adopted for creating a border less space integrating architecture, landscape and interior as a whole. Through making full use of space, a multi-dimensional space for learning, living and interaction is hence created. 
