Nov 22,21


Architecture MasterPrize 2021

“ 建筑和设计的最佳状态是拥抱科技,让思维天马行空。它是创新、突破,是运用科技和材料去实现最不可能的事;是创造独有的形态、结构和空间,让灵魂遨游,让人性闪耀,让心灵深处受到触动。”—— Architecture MasterPrize


近日,国际顶级权威设计奖项AMP美国建筑大师奖组委会隆重公布2021获奖名单。GND杰地景观作品【中山佳兆业樾伴山 Kaisa Mountain View Garden】、【新希望·锦官府 Elite Mansion】齐获景观建筑住宅类别大奖殊荣 Landscape Architecture Residential - Winner,与此同时,【雅居乐·滨江雅苑 Agile Riverside Court】获得了景观建筑住宅类别荣耀奖 Landscape Architecture Residential - Honorable Mention。





美国建筑大师奖ArchitectureMasterPrize™ 前身为The American Architecture Prize(AAP), 由成立于1985年的Farmani集团组委会联合耶鲁大学、哈佛大学、古根海姆基金会、纽约时报及Dezeen、Architecture Digest等国际著名高校、媒体主办,一共分为42个门类,旨在为不同学科和市场焦点领域的世界级杰出设计公司和创新梦想家,提供一个公平的竞争的平台,从而推动设计行业发展,改善人们生活品质。每年来自世界各地数以万计的设计师参与其中,经由国际专业评审团层层筛选,最终表彰全球最受尊敬、最鼓舞人心、最具创意的代表性建筑、室内和景观作品。


获奖作品 Winner


Winner 丨Zhongshan Kaisa Mountain View Garden

佳兆业深圳集团 | 中山佳兆业樾伴山

设计机构 | GND杰地景观



Zhongshan Kaisa Mountain View Garden projectis located against the luxuriantly green Shigou Hill, over looking Wugui Mountain, the first mountain range of Zhongshan. Also, it borders the NaturalEcology of the Yangtze River Reservoir, enjoying an outstanding urbaninterface, rich mountainous and water resources, intoxicating scenery, and acharming environment. When creating the landscape for the exhibition area ofKaisa Mountain View Garden, GND Landscape took the surrounding advantaged environment as the basis and the city’s nature as a design image. Besides,mountainous and water elements were abstracted to continue the architectural language. Light and shadows were introduced into this space and establish connections between nature, space, and humans. Thus, an aesthetical experience gallery where modern architecture converses with the natural environment is constructed.


获奖作品 Winner 


Winner丨New Hope · Elite Mansion

新希望地产成都公司 | 新希望·锦官府

设计机构 | GND杰地景观



Whenconstructing the landscape for New Hope · Elite Mansion, GND Landscape tookreference from the spatial landscape of traditional Chinese gardens andextracted and integrated the local region’s spatial layout to create adistinctive new Chinese-style garden view space.


获奖作品 Winner 


Honourable Mention丨Agile Riverside Court

雅居乐地产置业有限公司 | 雅居乐·滨江雅苑

设计机构 | GND杰地景观



Agile Riverside Court is adjacent to Huadu District, with convenient traffic and complete living facilities. It is a brand-new masterpiece created by Agile Group in Conghua. Based on its rich experience in developing several landmark projects in the region, Agile upgraded and optimized the project comprehensively, creating a stereoscopic and diversified space. The dynamic water scene is combined with the simplest architecture, presenting a modern, international, advanced, and artistic site to enjoy an aesthetical experience.
