
古韵今风 兰芷之室



The new Chinese style combining Chinese elements and modern aesthetics breaks the old and condenses the eternity in time. Regardless of category, aesthetics is not limited to form. In the ancient law, it travels through the tide of the times; based on the understanding of culture and ancient times, following the ancients, playing with the ancients and creating new ones.


The living room is the one that best expresses the style and tone of the whole house. The black, white, gray and dark green of the ink-and-wash version are intertwined, and the elegant and unique temperament is immediately highlighted. The irregular marble coffee table adds a contemporary artistic flavor to the space. The light and shadow are in a trance, as if being in a medieval ink painting.


Warm plain color, classic black and white gray, with ink and wash elements and a small amount of metal embellishment, the artwork "Rhyme" breaks the linear atmosphere and integrates the traditional square design philosophy, which releases oriental temperament in the deep, and shows the refined atmosphere in the Chinese classics.



Breakfast room | "good Morning"Slowly absorb energy in tranquility, the combination of simple lines and warm plain tones silently cares for us, the aesthetic connotation of new Chinese floral art

The connotation is profound, the beauty of classics and the beauty of modernity, where the flowers and leaves touch, are full of long reveries and aftertastes, various textures of raw materials neutralize the calm atmosphere in the space, as if there is a conversation between the utensils and the utensils. It’s worth it.”


Elder Room丨The headboard of the soft-covered bed is backed by the pattern of'bamboo state', and the white mist of the green mountains that cannot be closed on the surface of the cabinet body expresses the Chinese charm with modern abstract techniques. When you are in this relaxed and comfortable space, you can feel the best. Time is here.


Girls room | Backed by plain black and white lines, soft and concise, tassel chandelier is smart and light, with soft and restrained pink tones, sweet but also playful, blending modern style lines and design techniques in oriental rhythm, letting the space reveal the style There is a bright and lovely temperament of the little girl.

主卧 | 黑白灰与黛绿色系的结合,让人从匆忙的生活节奏中慢下来,简单、自然,不恋浮华,只追求内心的纯净。

Master bedroom | The combination of black, white, gray and daisy green makes people slow down from the rush of life, simple, natural, not in love with vanity, and only pursuing inner purity.

书房 | 简化了繁复线条的中式家具兼具品质与格调,有温度的原木材质是空间呈现复古宁静的感受,墨绿色抽象的挂画增添艺术典雅的氛围,任由光影恍惚流转,在不言不语中丰富思绪与灵感。

SELF-room | Chinese-style furniture that simplifies the complex lines has both quality and style. The warm log material gives the space a feeling of retro and tranquility. The dark green abstract hanging paintings add an artistic and elegant atmosphere, allowing the light and shadow to flow in a trance, without saying a word Rich thoughts and inspiration.

家庭厅 | 在现代极简的框架内体验到中式独有的空间节奏感,摒弃了繁琐和装饰,拉近人与人之间的距离,沉湎的空间让人更能放松心态和家人朋友说说心里话。

Family Room | Experience the unique spatial rhythm of Chinese style in the modern minimalist framework, abandon cumbersome and decoration, and narrow the distance between people. The indulgent space makes people more relaxed and able to talk to family and friends.

宴会厅 | 以园林的设计手法打造室内,充分利用采光区的自然光,用山石树木的小景烘托室内闲适氛围,柔化生活的纷扰,尽享自然惬意之感。

Parlor | The Chinese style gray tone is noble and elegant, and the details reveal the ancient charm elements to the end. Sharman, colored glaze, crystal lamps and so on enjoy the history and time and stories in the collision of glasses of wine.


Chinese and Western Kitchen | In order to meet the cooking and eating habits of different family members, this space has been created as a "social kitchen". After the division of labor, Chinese and Western kitchens can have their own independent space to weave food. When the time of food comes, it is always here. Filled with warm words and deeds, the light and shadow painting makes the joyous gathering seem precious.

负一层 | 灰白、极简的空间与厚重、沧桑、灰暗的旧物件形成气质上的反差,现代的工艺与传统的设计手法柔和时间差,沉默地觥筹交错娓娓道来—“静里含光默默,玄中调息绵绵”。

Collection room | Bronze The gray, minimalist space and the heavy, vicissitudes, and gloomy old objects form a temperamental contrast. The modern craftsmanship and traditional design methods soften the time difference, silently coveting and interlacing—"The calmness contains light silently, and the mysteriousness adjusts the breath. Continuously".

SPA区 |  室内家具尽量简洁,但功能完善,静谧淑华,具有东方气质的挂画静默展韵,依情依景陈列着不同的艺术作品,无形中增加了空间的文墨气息。

SPA room | The interior furniture is as simple as possible, but with perfect functions, quiet and graceful, the hanging paintings with oriental temperament quietly show the charm, and different art works are displayed according to the mood and the scene, which invisibly increases the atmosphere of the space.


Entertainment area | The emergence of Texas Hold'em in the entertainment area directly disrupted the rhythm of Chinese style, making people feel naughty and pleasantly surprised, and even a kind of "traversing" feeling, which further shows the tolerance of home and the unbounded design of the home. Chinese style harmonizes modern entertainment and collides The contemporary luxury texture is inexplicably fascinating and makes people want to sit and play at the table.

GND 恩嘉设计:


GND N+ Design:

The design integrates the convenience of family life and entertainment activities, personalized custom space, fully considers the individual needs and hobbies of the family, and combines the style of the whole house to make a neutral space plan, and makes the style on the basis of functionality .

Art Display Design | 软装设计

GND Design Group N+ Design | GND设计集团 恩嘉设计

art display execution | 软装执行

GND Design Group N+ Design | GND设计集团 恩嘉设计

main designer | 主创设计

Ning Rui | 宁睿

design team | 设计团队

Ai Gui, Xie Jiahong| 艾贵、谢佳宏

square footage | 项目面积


Completion Time | 竣工时间


Photographer | 摄影机构

SHIGUAN | 十观空间

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