

Poly Cyan Valley


Everyone has a piece of blue in their heart. It is the sea, the blue sky, and the starry sky. It is the beginning of all dreams. It is a fairyland like meeting Eden. A blue whale dives into the bottom of the dream and will accompany you unswervingly, walking through the sea of stars.


GND N+ Design combines the freedom, nature, and the great feeling of privacy given to people by the deep-sea blue whale, and integrates into this coastal reception center, dreams with "whales", and travels around the yearning life, so that comfort is full of one's soul, and luxury is suitable for encounters. Free culture.


To create an immersive living environment, it is necessary for the residents to be full of illusions about life in the first step of stepping here, such as the measurement of the sea, which strengthens the definition of the large-scale space, the metal color and the space of dolomite Layout, using spatial order to reorganize the structure of experience, giving a ritual transition from noisy to secluded, secular to unrestrained, so that Hai’s poems have a blank space for contemplating the heart from the first chapter.



See whale, see you too

Artistic analysis丨When the vision is fixed at the entrance area, the blue is the palette of the sea, the blue whale swims in the dreamlike world, and if you focus on the artistic style, the linear glass The body frame is a blue whale, jumping posture, red bubbles surging out, with the shape of wind, leaving the sea with infinite tenderness and romance.



Follow the call of the sea, the voice of the heart|The deep whale song, guide the place where the dream is

Artistic analysis丨Blue Whale and the girl hug each other, listen to each other, and meet together with the fascination of mountains, lakes and seas and the joy of the stars in the long night.



Bamboo leaves intertwined like ocean waves|Stepping into nature is also turning into poetry

The culmination of art is the vivid interpretation of immersive comfort. The soft color base and the large area of light sources form the decorative texture of the space. The white, open, and quiet space allows the mind to settle and the soul to relax. The designer whale blue chair is fixed in the rest area, with a leisurely and peaceful oriental aesthetic life, and enjoy the disorder of time.

咖啡 茗茶 休闲 对话 | 一隅好的休憩空间设计是将灵活的组合兼具功能和舒适性,让享受成为超越时间的停驻,素米白与哑光黑的色调搭配,辅以点缀呼应的植被绿,沉稳之中不乏年轻朝气。吊篮式的咖啡桌椅设计更诠释着创意的巧妙构思,让空间氛围不拘泥在常规的餐饮,而是一场放空身心的惬意。

Coffee and tea leisure dialogue There is no lack of youthful vigor in the green and calm. The hanging basket-style coffee table and chair design further interprets the creative and ingenious concept, so that the space atmosphere is not limited to the conventional dining, but a relaxing body and mind.


If temperature is taken as the focal point of the space, then the warm tone of the light perception, the layout of the seats, and the matching of the atmosphere will minimize the distance between people and make the communication in this space more comfortable and natural.


Reading area 丨 The superposition of art and tradition is a collision between the new and the old. Through the innovative force of design, the inherent structure is penetrated to create the originality of the wall shape, which can be viewed and read, giving the area a volume and function. Order and beauty allow the tranquility that emerges from the vision to spread over a table and a chair, a flower and a tree.



Children's area installation: "Sea Fun" Color/Art Fun/Innocent/Sea Wave|Give your child a land island and travel in freedom

Brightly colored cloth net installations, such as jellyfish and waves, unfold in a curvilinear space inspired by the wind, and have the dynamics of floating with the wind, allowing children to walk and interact freely in the ocean.

Project Name | 项目名称

Poly Cyan Valley | 保利·青谷

Art Display Design | 软装设计

GND Design Group N+ Design | GND设计集团 恩嘉设计

Developer | 开发商

Poly Development | 保利华南实业有限公司

Art Display Execution | 软装执行

GND Design Group N+ Design | GND设计集团 恩嘉设计

Square Footage | 项目面积


Lead Designer | 设计总监

Ning Rui | 宁睿

Completion Time | 竣工时间


Photographer | 摄影机构


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